Solidity Programming Language – Enum
Enum, or enumerations, in Solidity are a way to create a user-defined data type with a finite set of possible...

Solidity Programming Language – Bool Data Type
In Solidity, the bool data type is used to represent boolean values, which can have one of two possible states:...

Solidity Programming Language – Bytes Dynamic Sized Array
In Solidity, you can use a dynamic array of bytes, which is essentially a bytes array. Unlike fixed-size arrays, dynamic...

Solidity Programming Language – Bytes Fixed Sized Array
1 byte = 8 bit 1 hexadecimal = 4 bit 1 byte = 2 hex Everything that will be stored...

Solidity Programming Language – Dynamic Sized Array
In Solidity, if you want an array whose size can change dynamically during execution, you should use a data structure...

Solidity Programming Language – Fixed Sized Array
fixed-size arrays are arrays with a predefined and fixed number of elements. These arrays have a specific size that is...

Solidity Programming Language – Overflow
CVE-2018-10299 In simple language, an overflow is when a number gets incremented above its maximum value. Solidity can handle up...

Solidity Programming Language – Continue and Break Statement
We can use continue and break statements within loops to control the flow of execution. Continue: Break: Both continue and...

Solidity Programming Language – Loops (For, While, Do-While)
In Solidity, loops are used to repeat a set of instructions multiple times. There are two main types of loops...

Solidity Programming Language – Ternary Operator
In Solidity, the ternary operator is used to write concise conditional statements. Use Case: Here’s an example to illustrate its...