Lazy Programming Series – Challenge – 4
Challenge – 4 Problem Statement: Develop a Business Management System capable of handling assignments and projects for three clients, namely...

Lazy Programming Series – Seek() & tell() method & With Block to open python files
In Python, seek() and tell() are methods used for file manipulation. They are primarily used when reading from or writing...

Lazy Programming Series – Challenge – 3
Challenge – 3 Problem Statement: Develop a Python program that generates a pattern of stars based on user input. The...

Lazy Programming Series – try and except & File I/O (Input/Output) in Python
In Python, try and except blocks are used for exception handling. Exception handling allows you to gracefully manage errors or...

Lazy Programming Series – Shorthand If-else notation & Docstrings
In Python, you can use a shorthand if-else notation called a ternary conditional operator. It has the following syntax: Here’s...

Lazy Programming Series – Operators in Python
In Python, operators are special symbols or keywords that are used to perform operations on variables and values. Here’s a...

Lazy Programming Series – Challenge – 2
Challenge -2: Problem Statement: Guess the Age Game: Your tasked is to create a simple game to guess a specific...

Lazy Programming Series – Break and Continue Statement
In Python, break and continue are flow control statements used within loops (such as for and while loops) to alter...

Lazy Programming Series – While Loop
In Python, a while loop is a control flow statement that allows you to execute a block of code repeatedly...

Lazy Programming Series – For Loop
A for loop is used to iterate over a sequence (such as a list, tuple, string, or range) or any...