Lazy Programming Series

Lazy Programming Series – Single Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance & Multilevel Inheritance

Single Inheritance In Python:

Single inheritance in Python refers to the concept where a class can inherit attributes and methods from only one parent class. In other words, a subclass can have only one superclass.

Here’s a simple example demonstrating single inheritance:

Multiple Inheritance in Python:

Multiple inheritance in Python refers to the concept where a class can inherit attributes and methods from more than one parent class. This allows for more complex class hierarchies where a subclass can inherit behavior from multiple superclasses.

Here’s an example demonstrating multiple inheritance:

Multilevel Inheritance in Python:

Multilevel inheritance in Python occurs when a class inherits from another class, and then that subclass is inherited by another class, forming a hierarchy of inheritance with multiple levels. Each subclass inherits attributes and methods from its immediate parent class and all the way up the chain to the topmost superclass.

Here’s an example demonstrating multilevel inheritance:


Hi, I’m saksham dixit

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