Solidity Programming Language – Public, Private, Internal, External
In Solidity, visibility modifiers control how functions and state variables can be accessed by other contracts or accounts. There are...

Solidity Programming Language – Function Modifiers
In Solidity, a function modifier is a way to add custom logic to functions in a contract. Modifiers are typically...

Solidity Programming Language – Calling Parent Function
In Solidity, if you have a contract that inherits from another contract, you can call functions from the parent contract...

Solidity Programming Language – Send, Transfer & Call Function
In Solidity, there are several ways to send ether from one address to another, each with its own characteristics and...

Solidity Programming Language – Fallback & Receive
In Solidity, “fallback” and “receive” are special functions related to the handling of ether transactions in smart contracts. Fallback Function:...

Solidity Programming Language – Parameter Passing to different Parent Constructor in Multiple Inheritance
In Solidity, when dealing with multiple inheritance, you can pass parameters to parent constructors by specifying them in the derived...

Solidity Programming Language – Revert and Assert
Mainly used for error handling. In Solidity, revert and assert are two mechanisms used for handling errors and unexpected conditions...

Solidity Programming Language – Payable
In Solidity, the payable modifier is used to indicate that a function can receive ether (the cryptocurrency used on the...

Solidity Programming Language – Inbuilt Cryptographic Hash Function – Keccak256, Sha256, Ripemd160
In Solidity, a programming language commonly used for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, you can use cryptographic hash...

Solidity Programming Language – Requires
In Solidity, the require statement is a powerful tool used to validate conditions and ensure that certain requirements are met...