Solidity Programming Language – Immutability
In Solidity, the immutable keyword is used to declare state variables whose values cannot be changed after they are initialized....

Solidity Programming Language – Overriding Parent Function in Multiple Inheritance
In Solidity, when you have multiple inheritance and two or more parent contracts define a function with the same name...

Solidity Programming Language – Events
In Solidity, events are a way to emit information from a smart contract that can be captured by external applications...

Solidity Programming Language – Inheritance
Inheritance in Solidity is a way to structure and organize smart contract code by allowing one contract to inherit properties...

Solidity Programming Language – Contract Balance Update
In Solidity, the contract balance refers to the amount of Ether (ETH) that is currently held by a smart contract....

Solidity Programming Language – Structure
In Solidity, a struct is a user-defined data structure that allows you to group together different data types under a...

Solidity Programming Language – Storage vs Memory
In Solidity, as well as in many programming languages, the terms “storage” and “memory” refer to different types of data...

Solidity Programming Language – Mapping
In Solidity, mapping is a data structure used to store key-value pairs, somewhat similar to dictionaries or hash maps in...

Solidity Programming Language – Enum
Enum, or enumerations, in Solidity are a way to create a user-defined data type with a finite set of possible...

Solidity Programming Language – Bool Data Type
In Solidity, the bool data type is used to represent boolean values, which can have one of two possible states:...