Solidity Programming Language – Functions | Getter and Setter Function
In Solidity, a programming language for developing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, getter and setter functions are commonly used...

Solidity Programming Language – Strings, Default Value & Constants
Strings: String by default store on blockchain. When we are using a string in the function we need to use...

Solidity Programming Language -Pure , View & Simple Function
View: Read is allowed but right is not allowed. Pure: Read and Write is not allowed for state variables only...

Solidity Programming Language – State Variable, Local Variable, Global variable
(State Variable in solidity | what are stable variable in solidity): These are the variable which is declared inside the...

Solidity Programming Language – Mainnet & Testnet & Metamask details and Installation
(Mainnet vs Testnet) & What is metamask? | Metamask Installation Mainnet and Testnet are two different environments used in the...

Solidity Programming Language – Data Types
What is the difference between signed and unsigned integers? The key difference between signed and unsigned integers is that signed...

Solidity Programming Language – Smart Contract Compiler
This is a video on the smart contract compiler, where compiler components are explained. GITHUB REPO: https://github.com/crytic/evm-opcodes REMIX ID: https://remix.ethereum.org...

Solidity Programming Language – Introduction
This is an introductory video on solidity programming language including the syntax of solidity code on remix id.