Docker & Container Security

Docker & Container Security – Basic Docker Client Commands

Basic Docker Client Commands

Docker is a platform designed to help developers build, share, and run applications within containers. To interact with Docker, you’ll primarily use the Docker client via the command line interface (CLI). Below are some essential Docker commands to help you get started.

Installing Docker

Before using Docker, you need to install it. You can download Docker Desktop for Windows and macOS or Docker Engine for Linux from the official Docker website.


└─# apt install -y

Starting Docker

Once installed, start Docker. On Docker Desktop, simply open the application. On Linux, you can start Docker using:

Verifying Docker Installation

To ensure Docker is installed correctly, run:

Basic Docker Commands

a. docker run

The docker run command creates and starts a new container from a specified image. For example, to run an Nginx container:

b. docker ps

To list all running containers, use:

For all containers, including stopped ones, use:

c. docker images

To list all available Docker images on your system:

d. docker pull

To download a Docker image from Docker Hub, use:

For example, to pull the latest Ubuntu image:

e. docker stop

To stop a running container, use:

You can find the container ID using the docker ps command.

f. docker rm

To remove a stopped container, use:

g. docker rmi

To remove a Docker image, use:

docker start

The docker start command is used to start one or more stopped containers.



docker push

The docker push command uploads an image to a Docker registry.



docker export

The docker export command is used to export a container’s filesystem as a tar archive.



docker exec

The docker exec command runs a new command in a running container.



  • -it runs in interactive mode with a TTY (useful for opening a shell).

docker search

The docker search command searches for images on Docker Hub.




└─# docker search Ubuntu

 docker attach

The docker attach command attaches your terminal to a running container.



docker commit

The docker commit command creates a new image from a container’s changes.



Managing Docker Containers

a. Inspecting Containers

To view detailed information about a container:

b. Viewing Logs

To view the logs of a container:

c. Executing Commands Inside a Container

To run a command inside a running container:

For example, to open a bash shell inside a container:

Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. To install Docker Compose, follow the instructions on the official Docker Compose installation page.

To start the services defined in the docker-compose.yml file, run:


These basic Docker commands will help you get started with managing containers on your development environment.


Hi, I’m saksham dixit

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