Docker & Container Security

Docker & Container Security – Virtual machine Vs Container

Virtual machine Vs Container

Virtual machines (VMs) and containers are both virtualization technologies used to run applications, but they differ in their approach and capabilities. Here’s a breakdown of the key differences to help you choose the right tool for the job:

Level of Virtualization:

  • Virtual Machines: VMs virtualize the entire computer system, including the hardware (CPU, memory, storage) and operating system (OS). This allows you to run multiple operating systems on a single physical machine.
  • Containers: Containers virtualize the operating system layer. They share the underlying host machine’s kernel but isolate applications from each other at the user-space level.

Resource Consumption:

  • Virtual Machines: VMs require more resources as they boot their own OS and have a separate virtual hardware layer. They are heavier and take longer to start up compared to containers.
  • Containers: Containers are lightweight and share the host kernel, making them more resource-efficient. They start up much faster than VMs.


  • Virtual Machines: VMs provide strong isolation because they have their own OS instance. This ensures applications running on different VMs don’t interfere with each other.
  • Containers: While containers provide isolation at the user-space level, they share the kernel with other containers. A security issue in one container could potentially impact others.


  • Virtual Machines: VMs are portable across different hardware platforms as long as the underlying virtualization technology is supported. However, the OS image size can be large and take longer to transfer.
  • Containers: Containers are highly portable because they are self-contained and rely less on the underlying hardware. Their smaller size makes them easier to distribute and deploy.


  • Virtual Machines: Scaling VMs involves provisioning additional hardware resources or creating new VM instances. This process can be slower compared to containers.
  • Containers: Scaling containers is easier and faster. You can dynamically spin up or down container instances based on demand, making them ideal for microservices architectures.

Use Cases:

  • Virtual Machines: Ideal for running legacy applications, applications requiring a specific operating system not available on the host, or situations demanding strong isolation and security.
  • Containers: Perfect for deploying microservices, stateless applications, and development/testing environments where fast startup times, portability, and efficient resource utilization are crucial.

Summary Table:

FeatureVirtual MachinesContainers
Level of VirtualizationHardware and Operating SystemOperating System Layer
Resource ConsumptionHighLow
Use CasesLegacy apps, specific OS needsMicroservices, stateless apps

Choosing between VMs and containers depends on your specific requirements. For strong isolation and legacy applications, VMs might be a better fit.


However, for modern development practices, deploying microservices, and maximizing resource efficiency, containers are the preferred choice. You can even leverage both technologies together; a VM can host a containerized environment for additional control.

Hi, I’m saksham dixit

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