Lazy Programming Series

Lazy Programming Series – Challenge – 7

Lazy Programming Series – Challenge 7

Problem Statement: News-to-Audio Converter

In the era of fast-paced lifestyles and multitasking, staying updated with the latest news while engaged in other activities can be challenging. To address this issue, we aim to develop a News-to-Audio Converter program that fetches the latest news headlines and descriptions, converts them into audio format, saves the audio files, and provides the user with an option to listen to the news conveniently.


  1. Latest News Retrieval: The program will fetch the latest news headlines and descriptions from a reliable news source using an API (e.g., News API).
  2. Text-to-Speech Conversion: It will utilize a Text-to-Speech (TTS) library (e.g., gTTS – Google Text-to-Speech) to convert the news text into audio format.
  3. Audio File Saving: The program will save each news item as an audio file (e.g., MP3) for future playback.
  4. User Interface: It will provide a simple user interface to interact with the program, allowing the user to choose whether to fetch the latest news, convert it to audio, and save the audio files.
  5. Playback Option: The user will have the option to play the saved audio files to listen to the news conveniently.


The program will be implemented in Python using the following libraries:

  • requests: to make HTTP requests to fetch the latest news.
  • gTTS (Google Text-to-Speech): to convert the news text into audio format.
  • File I/O operations: to save the audio files locally.
  • User input handling: to interact with the user and provide options for fetching, converting, and listening to the news.


  1. Run the program.
  2. Choose the option to fetch the latest news.
  3. After fetching, select the option to convert the news to audio format.
  4. The program will save each news item as an audio file.
  5. Optionally, listen to the news by selecting the playback option.

Expected Output:

  • Audio files containing the latest news headlines and descriptions.
  • User-friendly interface for interaction.
  • Seamless conversion of text to audio format.
  • Convenient playback option for listening to the news.


Hi, Iā€™m saksham dixit

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