Lazy Programming Series – Mini Project 1

Problem Statement: Video Game CD Library Management System
Design a Python program using classes and objects to manage a video game CD library. The program should allow users to input and maintain data regarding CD entries, subscriptions, and returns. The system should cover the following common points:
Subscription Ownership:
Track the current owner of a video game CD subscribed to.
Adding New CD Entries:
Allow users to add details for a new video game CD entry into the library.
Returning CD Entries:
Provide functionality to return a subscribed video game CD, marking it available for future subscriptions.
Booking Subscriptions:
Enable users to book a subscription for a video game CD, specifying the duration of the subscription in days and the subscription start date.
Listing Available CDs:
Display a list of available video game CDs in the library.
Listing Booked CDs:
Show a list of video game CDs that are currently booked, along with the owner, duration of subscription, and subscription start date.
The program should operate in an interactive manner, allowing users to choose from various options to manage the library efficiently. The goal is to create a user-friendly system for maintaining and accessing data related to video game CD subscriptions.